POTLUCK Gathering Cum Blu-Ray "THIS IS IT" Screening @ Sal's place -27th March 2009

It was an evening of food, laughter, tears and L-O-V-E as local MJ fans came together to celebrate the legacy of King Of Pop once more at Sal's (one of our sweetest and loyal fan-friends) on 27th March 2009.

Look how engrossed everyone was -and ENJOYING every second of it- while watching Michael in action again on screen! (Yes, none of us will ever get tired even if its our 100th watching it!)
Well, here's to PEACE and L-O-V-E! 
After the 2 hours movie, its time for our group shot!
(Well, we decided we love the posters on the wall so much that we think it would be the perfect for our group picture!)
                                     Our 2nd group shot- This time with the "THIS IS IT" movie standee!
Thank you for gracing this mini gathering and making it a successful one! It was truly a special moment for each and every one of us, spending time together and indulging in the L-O-V-E once more. Let's look forward to more of our future events! :) Remember, its all for love... L-O-V-E. ;-)

P/S: Do keep a lookout under the "Events" section, where it will be updated occasionally on our upcoming events!

Dance Tribute for Michael Jackson in SG! -31st December 2009

After several weeks of hard work,dedication and rehearsals, we finally took it to the streets on 31st December 2009! Imagine our excitement as we toured around famous hot spots in Singapore, "performing" our very first tribute MJ flashmob. A big THANK YOU to each and every one of you who had participated. It is certainly a memory worth cherishing for. :-)
To see us in action, click on this link to view our tribute video, beautifully edited by Natasha, one of our dedicated members. ;) http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=281414301163&subj=665216922&oid=170630903947

Well, that's not all... 
31st December 2009 also marked an importance to us...Because its the day when Asia's very FIRST "KING OF POP FANATICS SINGAPORE" is officially set up, in conjunction with other international core groups. (www.kingofpopfanatics.net) 
Our Singapore group is founded and set-up by one of our loyal and dedicated fan-friends, Marie. (Thank you!) Together, we will keep the group going! :)

Here's one of the pictures from our 1st gathering, which all of us certainly had fun. Marie and Natalie (one of the members) even surprised us with a custom-made cake. (And did I mention that it was.... YUMMY-LICIOUS? ^__^) 
A heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of you for contributing your precious time and creating such beautiful memories together. Its for one L.O.V.E that brought us together, and here's to our Friendship! :)

Credits to: Natasha and Stella (for the photos)                 
Marie and Natalie (for all the contributions and efforts!) :)                
EVERYONE who participated in the event!