Basic Information

I'm just a typical 20-year-old chinese girl from Singapore. Needless to say, I'm a fan of Michael Jackson, which prolly explains why I created this site. :) I hope that through my creation of mjtimes, I am able to share all the stuff about him with all worldwide fans who love him as much as I do.

Other than that, this website belongs to each and every fan out there! I welcome all to submit anything you would like to share about Michael Jackson (be it pictures, photos, news, etc) , and they will be posted here with credits. Of course, I don't entertain haters here, and I would appreciate if you refrain from posting negative comments. (They will be deleted without a doubt, so don't even bother trying :))

Well, I shall leave you to enjoy this site then.. and if you have any suggestion(s) or feedbacks that you would like to share, you can always drop me a comment in any of the comment boxes, or simpy send me an e-mail at: [email protected]

I love you all. God bless. :)

With lots of love,
